Hi everyone,
Here is a place we can talk about what we are looking for out of participating in this community. Here is something I wrote in a yet-to-be-published blog post to get us started:
I was discussing with @zx the things I am looking for in online interaction that I'm not getting from traditional or federated social media. A lot of different things came up, but the most important and central is this: the need to be able to have deep, complex conversations with people I trust, in a way that those conversations are not ephemeral, lost in the endlessly scrolling feed, like an infinite dark plain in which attention is but a circle of candlelight—but permanent, archived, accessible. This is because I want to be able to collaborate with people to create ideas, with complexity and nuance, for which it's necessary to be able to build on the past and plan for the future.
So, we identified some key needs:
- To build a trusted community,
- To build and enforce community norms,
- To keep some discussions private, and some public,
- To keep past conversations easily findable and accessible.
- A few other important pieces are:
- A good mobile experience,
- Inexpensive to operate,
- Extensible with new features that might be needed.
- And, finally, it would be nice, but not mandatory, to be able to achieve some level of federation with the Fediverse, so long as it's strictly limited and controlled.
Given those requirements, an Internet forum was what suggested itself. Forums are encapsulated communities, with both technical and social norm-building and enforcement features. Good forum software provides both private and public spaces (although typically it's necessary to sign up to post and reply), and forums are archival, in that conversations aren't lost but categorized and saved, in formats that are designed to be accessible to referral and long-term interaction.
Some more questions
- What do we want to talk about? How do we want to organize discussion? Categories, etc.
- Do we want private areas? Which?
- NodeBB has federation abilities. I turned them off. Do we want to turn them on? Under what parameters should this forum federate?
- What are the (abstract) things you are looking for in online community? How can we concretize them?