i probably should make an introduction post
hi, i'm Talya, she/her! there's a good chance a bunch of you know me already from Fedi, my (many, so many) accounts all have either the old handle @yuvalne or the new handle @talya.
i'm trans and very proudly queer, sorta-engaged-sorta-legally-married to my girlfriend of 4 years. stuff get weird when you move to another country while queer.
oh yeah, i'm also an expat/immigrant/whatever you want to call it. i grew up in Israel but moved to Czechia last September. i grew up in a Mizrahi household that belonged to the orthodox tradition but that also swung between being quite a bog-standard dati to being fully secular throughout different parts of my life.
i like to think of myself as a musician even though i haven't been doing music even close to full time for like five years now. that fact almost changed last year, but then i moved to another country, so uh, we'll see. i am classically educated, can play the clarinet, bass clarinet, and the piano (or at least, those are the ones i play well) and can sing, though i'm more interested in composition.
i'm also reasonably techie, i worked in IT for ~5 years and am an open-source nerd, though i absolutely do not code.
i'm also many other kinds of nerd. i like sci-fi and fantasy, am firmly committed to Doctor Who, am a TTRPG player and GM, a decent chess player, and a language and linguistics nerd. in addition to speaking Hebrew, English and now learning Czech, i also took Latin in highschool, a beginners' Palestinian Arabic course in adulthood, and learned Yiddish and a tad of French online.also i have ADHD if it wasn't obvious from this very long and very messy post. which also means there's probably other stuff i forgot but oh well. if i remember them later i'll add them to this post.
edit: here's one thing i forgot - i'm almost certainly younger than you think. i know what you're thinking, no, even younger than that.