DPA - Intro
Hi everyone. I'm Duke. A not so very good baal teshuva. Probably more "flexidox" than anything else. Grew up mostly conservative although my step dad was a reform cantor and my mom mostly did Jewish education in Modox settings. Then I left home and didn't go to shul for 30+ years. I have a mixed family that has not gotten a lot of support in converting from the local Beit Din here in metro-Seattle.
Most of my adult professional life has been in union organizing, negotiations, administration, etc. I've been active in anarchist and antifascist organizing for ~40 years. I became accidently mildly well known during the first Trump administration being featured on United Shades of America and a bunch of print magazine and news interviews for lefty organizing. That was a big mistake. I do not recommend letting that happen to you.
I've been really struggling with social media these days. I've found it incredibly hostile and unfulfilling so I'm looking forward to experiments like this mirroring older self-selection models.
Duke -
Welcome Duke! I'm very pleased to see you here, as a fellow not very good BT. Actually I don't use Ba'al Teshuvah, I just say I'm working on it. Bay bislโa little at a time.
@alter_kaker I don't use it much either but shorthand terms are good. I prefer half-assed chasid
@DukePAaron said in DPA - Intro:
I've been really struggling with social media these days. I've found it incredibly hostile and unfulfilling so I'm looking forward to experiments like this mirroring older self-selection models.
Exactly this.